Swim in the open waters of Lough Lene, Lough Owel or Lough Ennell, at one of three designated bathing waters. A great way to experience the refreshing clear waters and stunning scenery of Westmeath's lakes.

Westmeath's designated Bathing Waters are located at:

  • Portnashangan (Lough Owel),

  • The Cut (Lough Lene)

  • Lilliput (Lough Ennell)

Click here for a map showing the locations.

If you plan to head out for a swim, always stay safe.

Water Safety Ireland provide information on what to look out for when swimming in the open water and advice on how to stay safe.

For tips on preparing for your wild swimming experience, go to www.gov.ie/summerready.

Contact Us

Address: Bathing Waters at Lough Owel, Lough Lene & Lough Ennell, Westmeath
W: https://www.westmeathcoco.ie/en/ourservices/yourcouncil/councilnews/publicparticipationidentificationofbathingwaters-1.html

Wild Swimming