Conversations with the Inhabitants of Athlone’s Abbey Graveyard

Meet the interesting inhabitants of Athlone’s historic Abbey Graveyard, located along the Old Rail Trail beside the River Shannon Marina access on the greenway. This audiobook can be accessed from anywhere but is best listened to as you meander the graveyard itself, truly immersed in the stories as they unfold. 

Situated on a patch of dry ground just east of the River Shannon, the graveyard is positioned a short distance outside Athlone’s North Gate. In days gone by, this spot overlooked a small bay and harbour on the river. The graveyard takes its name from a Franciscan Friary Church that was under construction here during the late 1600s. It still stands today, though it was never fully completed — works ceased when catastrophic war came to Athlone in 1690 and 1691. While most of what is visible today dates to the 17th century, it seems certain there was religious activity on this spot long before. Four Early Christian cross-inscribed slabs were discovered here, suggesting that this may have been a significant Early Church site more than 1,000 years ago. It is also possibly the site of the first Franciscan Friary, which was established in Athlone during the 13th century.

But despite these potential early origins, the majority of the visible gravestones date to the 18th and 19th centuries. Very few of them remain in their original positions, having been moved to their present locations in 1984. Thankfully, Hazel Ryan recorded all the headstones and their inscriptions prior to their relocation. These headstones inspire many of the stories, and we will hear from 8th century Kings, medieval friars, innkeepers and gardeners, along with more tragic tales of war, poverty and injustice.

So join us as we enter Athlone’s Abbey Graveyard, to meet and converse with some of the residents. The people we will meet will take us on a journey across hundreds of years of Athlone history, and they will share their experiences in life and death with us. But we cannot just barge into the land of the dead and start asking questions. We need a guide to introduce us to the residents. Luckily, we know just the person. Meet Anne Lyster, the last person to be laid to rest in this ancient place.


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Address: Abbey Graveyard, Westmeath

The Unsilent Stones Audiobook
Conversations with the Inhabitants of Athlone’s Abbey Graveyard
